List of country codes for mobile and land line, countries beginning with A and B

Country code of countries beginning with A and B

country codes for mobile phones and land line.
Country codes for mobile and landline of the countries Ascension Island, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, American Samoa, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Aruba, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Benin, Bermuda, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, British Virgin Islands, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burundi with phone number examples are given below.

Ascension Island Country Code: 247 Ph no. +247XXXX
Afghanistan Country Code: 93 Ph no. +93701234567
Albania Country Code: 355 Ph no. +355661234567
Algeria Country Code: 213      Ph no. +213551234567
American Samoa Country Code: 1 Ph no. +16847331234
Andorra Country Code: 376 Ph no. +376312345
Angola Country Code: 244 Ph no. +244923123456
Anguilla Country Code: 1 Ph no. +12642351234
Antigua and Barbuda  Country Code: 1 Ph no. +12684641234
Argentina Country Code: 54 Ph no. +5491123456789
Armenia Country Code: 374 Ph no. +37477123456
Aruba Country Code: 297 Ph no. +2975601234
Australia Country Code: 61 Ph no. +61412345678
Austria Country Code: 43 Ph no. +43644123456
Azerbaijan Country Code: 994 Ph no. +994401234567
Bahamas Country Code: 1 Ph no. +12423591234
Bahrain Country Code: 973 Ph no. +9733600XXXX
Bangladesh Country Code: 880 Ph no. +8801812345678
Barbados Country Code: 1 Ph no. +12462501234
Belarus Country Code: 375 Ph no. +375294911911
Belgium Country Code: 32 Ph no. +32470123456
Belize Country Code: 501 Ph no. +5016221234
Benin Country Code: 229 Ph no. +22990011234
Bermuda Country Code: 1 Ph no. +14413701234
Bhutan Country Code: 975 Ph no. +97517XXXXXX
Bolivia Country Code: 591 Ph no. +5917XXXXXXX
Bosnia and Herzegovina    Country Code: 387 Ph no. +38761123456
Botswana Country Code: 267 Ph no. +26771123456
Brazil Country Code: 55 Ph no. +55116XXXXXXX
British Virgin Islands Country Code: 1 Ph no. +12843001234
Brunei Country Code: 673 Ph no. +6737XXXXXX
Bulgaria Country Code: 359 Ph no. +35948123456
Burkina Faso Country Code: 226 Ph no. +22670123456
Burundi Country Code: 257 Ph no. +25779561234

Check this to get the country codes for mobile phones and landline.

Country code of countries beginning with C and D

Country code of countries beginning with E, F and G

Country code of countries beginning with H, I, J and K

Country code of countries beginning with L, M, N and O

Country code of countries beginning with P, Q, R and S

Country code of countries beginning with T, U, V, W and Z

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